Tuesday, September 6, 2011

You Can't Always Get What You Want.

The weather wasn't really all that bad today. There was a warm wind this morning, the clouds were moving rapidly, and the sun was even visible for a short while during the hike. None of the morning tours were canceled like we had anticipated. While coming back from the hike today, it started POURING. It was like the clouds unzipped and dumped everything out all at once. It was AWESOME. Needless to say, we got little wet. Strangely enough though, it wasn't cold. And after a while, the heavy rain stopped. A light rain still persists even to this moment.. but then again, it's always raining.

Although I'm always posting nice pictures with plenty of sunshine, that's not very typical for Juneau. Then why don't I ever post any rainy day pictures, you might ask! Well, I simply don't like taking my camera out in the rain! Might get wet.. So in order to better represent the place I've grown to love, here are some shots from the inside of my car while driving to work! These are the typical views I receive while driving.

Pretty amazing, I know. I'm sure you're all quite jealous of the awesome weather we've been having here. Sorry, but you can't always get what you want.

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