Sunday, June 12, 2011

Kayaking by the Glacier

I've been up to no good! No really.. I've been obsessed with getting good pictures of the glacier lately, and some of the things I've been doing can be quite dangerous. It's recommended that you don't venture too close to the glacier in the summer because it can calve at any time without warning. When this occurs, gigantic chunks of ice break off and plunge into the lake below. It's quite spectacular really.. that is, unless you're underneath it at the time. But don't worry! I'm using common sense and treading carefully! I'm not trying to get myself killed here!

With that being said, here are some of the pictures! (I've had requests to make the pictures larger. We'll see how this goes!)

Check out the awesome texturing of the glacial ice. You can also see all of the silt and rock that the glacier has carved away from the mountains and is now carrying.

In this picture, you can see how blue the ice is as the light streams between the floating chunks in the lake.

These pieces of ice have all broken off from the glacier and floated out into the lake. If you're very still and very quiet, you can hear the pieces gently clinking together on the surface of the water. It sounds like broken glass.

I'm so tiny compared to this ice ledge that I'm paddling past! And compared to the rest of the glacier, this is just a small piece.

These gulls don't seem to mind the cold as they rest on some floating pieces of ice.

I'll close this post with a goofy picture I took in front of the glacier. What can I say.. I was excited! There's still so much more to come, so keep stopping by for more!

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