Last month, Jonny and I decided to try the Perseverance Trail. It was a really rainy day, and we had a lot of fun! If you would like to see some of the drive, click the link below!
Because the day was so rainy, and I only had my phone to use as a camera, I had to put it inside a plastic ziplock bag. These photos aren't the best quality, but you get the idea of what the trail is like.
Here's the trail head!

This trail is right downtown, and you can see a lot of old mining ruins along the way.
We're all ready to go in our rain gear!
A spooky old abandoned mine shaft!
Here's the different routes you can hike.
We had a lot of late snow this year, so the trail was still pretty snowy. You can see the huge avalanche chutes and mudslides along the sides of the mountains.
Jonny walks ahead on the trail.
More snow!
Some of the plaques have old-time pictures from the mining days. Here's one of some people driving along the road. This road was built in 1889 to extend the route into Silverbow Basin to allow for better access to the gold mine.
Because of all the erosion and slides along the treacherous road, it has been rebuilt several times. You can see more slides here.
A waterfall from snow melt along the sides of the rocks.
A huge rockslide blocks the trail. We had to climb over it to continue.
Jonny stands next to an avalanche.
The rest of the trail was pretty snowy. There were still several feet on the ground, and it got worse the higher we hiked.
Jonny post-holing along the trail. The snow here is up to our knees!
It was getting pretty hard to continue at this point!
Eventually, we just had to turn around and go back. The snow was too deep and we weren't prepared for it! We'll have to try this trail again later. Hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!
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