I just recently celebrated my Alaskan Anniversary- the day I came to Juneau, Alaska! If you remember back to May 28, 2011, my first day was filled with excitement, anxiety, and even a little fear. You can read all about it
I must say that THIS May 28th was VERY different from my first. Jonny and I decided to rent out a Forest Service Cabin, hike to it, and spend the night! There are lots of Forest Service Cabins that dot the wilderness. If you come across one and you're dying, you can find shelter inside. Some of them are nice and elaborate, whereas others only have the bare essentials for survival. A cool thing you can do is to go online and reserve one of these cabins for yourself and camp out in the wilderness for a while. It's like camping, but you sleep in a wooden tent.
If you look at the map below, you can see all of Juneau. At the very northern end, there is a place called Point Bridget. We drove down the highway until we came across the mile 38 marker, parked our car, donned our heavy backpacks, and hiked all the way out to the point. The cabin is indicated on the map by the little red square.
Here we are at the beginning of the trail! We have our camping gear, backpacks and portable grill all ready to go!
Here's the trail sign.
The day was hot, the sky was clear, and the scenery was BEAUTIFUL! Here is the gorgeous meadow we crossed.
Jonny and I looking out at the mountains across the sea.
We couldn't get enough of that sun!
Large trees like these sat in the boggy marsh.
These ponds reflected a vibrantly blue sky.
And here's the cabin!
The inside really wasn't anything special. Jonny sits at a wooden table. There are also some wooden bunks behind us.
But we made sure to sign the guest book!
I spent most of my time stacking driftwood and making a fire. We cooked hot dogs and made s'mores.
We also spent a lot of our time lounging in the sun and watching multiple Humpback Whales swim by. You can see them spouting in the distance.
And this was our view from the cabin! It was right on the rocky waterfront in its own private little cove.
We had a great time watching the rocks emerge as the tide went out.
It sure was a special day! We'll always remember it!