Hi everyone! We just had a fun-filled day of snow and mud doing Southeast Road Runners' Spring Tide Scramble! This was our second year in a row doing it, but our first time while it was snowing! It's a 4+ or 7+ mile run (depending on which you choose to do) starting on Douglas Island at the Fish Creek Bridge.You run across the channel at low tide to the mainland and then back again before the water rises! Jonny and I chose to do the 4 mile run. The rules are that you can choose any route you wish to make it across, as long as you reach the American flag that marks that you're back on the North American Continent. After you reach the flag, you loop around it and then come right back! I used my phone's GPS to map my route. Here's where I ran!
And here are some snapshots I took while running. Here's the starting/finish line with registration tents and refreshment tables. It started snowing pretty good right away, before the run even began.

Here I am with Jonny before the run. I made myself a rainbow tutu to wear, just for fun!
Our friend Andrew sports his cutoff Carhart's.
And we're off!
Making our way to the channel.
Running through the wetlands. It's a free-for-all!
Getting through the tidepools.
The water's getting deeper!
Making our way through more snow.
Slippery algae-covered mud!
Finally reached the flag! Time to go through all of that again before the water comes back!
If you'd like to see a video of us running, just click HERE! I know that this video isn't the highest quality, but it was the best I could do while running through such difficult conditions. I'm lucky I didn't drop my phone in the ocean! haha
I ended up splitting up with everyone in our group right away, so we all reached the finish at different times. Jonny and I got back in a little over an hour- much better than last year! Why in the world would we subject ourselves to this, you may ask. Because it's an experience! Where else in the world can you do a crazy run like this? I hope to add a few more pictures later on, so check back soon.
Take care everyone!