Jonny enjoys his cup of coffee on the porch.

The snow was really coming down!

Of course our little kitty was quite curious about the snow. This is her first time being out in it. She's licking the snow off her whiskers.

She enjoys running around in the woods right next to our condo. This may be the last time she can feel the moss under her paws.

A closeup of her adorable footprints.

If you'd like to see Kiwi's reaction, click HERE.
The spruce boughs were piled high with snow.

We decided to make our way to the glacier to look around at how things have changed. We won't have to worry about bears any more!

On the Moraine Ecology Trail, you can find many beautiful things, no matter what time of year.

Snow is starting to gather on the top of Jonny's hood.

I'm nice and cozy in my knit cap!

I find it absolutely amazing how delicate snow can be. It balances on the tiniest of places. Here, snowflakes cling to the head of this grass.
The snow piling up on these dead plants gives the illusion that these are puffy snow flowers.
Snow balances on the tops of these alder "cones."

The snow on this branch has shifted. It actually no longer rests on anything. The only thing keeping it there is the snow around it. See how it droops below the branch?
Jonny leaves a trail of footprints as he makes his way through the winter wonderland.
The last tinge of color in these autumn leaves is being blotted out by the snow.
At the beach we normally take our guests to for our Whales and Trails tour, everything is whited out.
Ice and snow cover the edges of this stream which flows into the lake.
Snow rests on this beaver dam.
Looking around in the shallow water, you can see snow resting on the tops of the sticks and pebbles in the stream.
The stream from afar.
A very white day at the glacier.
We then decided to make our way to the Trail of Time. At the start of it, we found a mossy trunk covered with snow. See the green moss hanging down?
A beautiful snowy trail.
One of the best things about this trail is the waterfall that gently cascades over the rocks. Well, it's too cold for that, so instead there were TONS OF ICICLES!
Rows and rows of long, sharp icicles.
Standing close to these things, we could hear the water dripping from their tips.
The green of this path has been replaced by white.
And to finish off our walk- a snow angel!
Hope you enjoyed the day as much as we did!