Jonny and I decided to go on a nice walk this afternoon and admire autumn in Juneau. This is what we saw.
This is near the side of the road by our condo. When the tide is high, the water spills into the wetlands and pools into the long grass. There were many ducks swimming through the water today.

Watching the wispy clouds drifting through the trees.
Then we went to Twin Lakes, the large lakes by our condo.
Jonny examines the depth of the water.
Next, we drove to Auke Rec to look around. I was entranced by the streams and the dying Devil's Club leaves.
The trees out the road are very tall. The forest towers over the landscape.
The leaves are becoming ragged as winter approaches.

A stream through the forest.
Splashing water.
Water bubbles up from underneath the trees.
Water droplets drip off the shelf fungus on this trunk.
Later, we went to Brotherhood Bridge to look around. Here is a field of dying fireweed in front of the glacier.
The field of fireweed towers above me.
I just love these colors!
Along the trail, the trees were coated with Old Man's Beard, a hanging lichen. It made everything look incredibly fuzzy.
Colorful fireweed in front of the Mendenhall River.
We even spotted some high-bush cranberries! What a treat! See how the rain droplets cling to the bright red clusters?
The trail by the river was lined by deciduous trees.
As dusk fell across the field, the sky turned dramatic.
Lastly, we decided to spend our remaining bit of light at the Mendenhall Lake. Jonny found some Doll's Eye, an incredibly poisonous berry related to the red Bane Berry. This white berry has a single black spot on it, making it resemble a doll's eye. Hence the name!
A dark sky reflected off a beaver pond.
Clouds rolling in above the glacier.
One last reflection before darkness touches the land.
I'd say this was a most successful walk, wouldn't you? It sure helps that we know of all the best places to visit! So long for now!