Today was a really rainy day! Even in the rain, Juneau is beautiful. See the glistening raindrops on the spruce tips?

I did a historical downtown tour that ended up on Mt. Roberts via the tramway. It was pouring during our alpine walk! I just had to take a picture of my group. Don't they all look cute in our bright blue ponchos? It sure makes it easy to keep track of them this way!
After my tour was done, I decided to walk along Steep Creek to look for bears. On my way there, a huge black bear bounded across the road right in front of my car! I knew it would be a good day to see bears!
My timing was perfect because Jonny's hiking tour had just arrived at Steep Creek.
Jonny's rain gear was really put to the test today!
Jonny spots a yearling black bear up in a cottonwood tree. He points it out to his group.
There it is! A young black bear sleeping up in a tree.
Isn't it cute?
If you'd like to see a video of my walk through Steep Creek, just click HERE!
Hope you enjoyed it!